World | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS


Zoo Brew 2013

The Jackson Zoo held its annual Zoo Brew after hours at the park. There was …

Souvenirs from India: An Original Photo Essay

Photo Intern Melanie Boyd spent three weeks in India May 11-30. These are some of …

From Mississippi to Liberia

Sixteen tribes with their own unique dialects compose the ethnic makeup of most of Liberia, …

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Putin Fast-Tracks Effort to Extend His Rule in Russia

President Vladimir Putin on Thursday fast-tracked work on constitutional changes that could keep him in power well past the end of his term in 2024 while lawmakers quickly sealed his …

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GOP Defends Trump as Bolton Book Adds Pressure for Witnesses

Pressure increased Monday on senators to call John Bolton to testify at President Donald Trump's impeachment trial even as defense lawyers brushed past extraordinary new allegations from Trump's former national …

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Trump Peace Plan Delights Israelis, Enrages Palestinians

President Donald Trump unveiled his long-awaited Middle East plan Tuesday, winning immediate praise from a beaming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but a swift rejection from the Palestinians, who called …

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Senate Moves Toward Vote Restraining Trump on Iran

A bipartisan measure limiting President Donald Trump's authority to launch military operations against Iran is moving toward approval in the Senate.

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Olympics Delayed as US Nears a Deal on $2 Trillion in Relief

The Tokyo Olympics were put off to next year as coronavirus deaths and infections surged in Europe and the U.S. on Tuesday, with New York warning it is about to …

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Spain's Coronavirus Deaths Leap; Prince Charles Now Infected

The coronavirus outbreak hit home Wednesday among the well-born and the desperately poor alike as Britain's Prince Charles tested positive and India's 1.3 billion people, or one-sixth of the Earth's …

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UK's Johnson Tests Positive for Virus, Deaths Soar in Spain

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson became the first leader of a major country to test positive for the coronavirus that has sickened more than a half-million people worldwide.

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US Intel: Coronavirus Not Manmade, Still Studying Lab Theory

U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that the new coronavirus was “not manmade or genetically modified" but say they are still examining whether the origins of the pandemic trace to contact …

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Mississippi Governor Defends His Use of Phrase 'China Virus'

Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves on Wednesday defended his practice of referring to the new coronavirus as the “China virus." Reeves has used the phrase several times, including in social …

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Mississippi Legislature Cuts Ties with Russia

Echoing deepening sanctions from the U.S. government, both the Mississippi House of Representatives and Senate passed resolutions this week condemning Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine and barring any business between …